The Cary Center for the Advancement of

Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies

About Us

The Cary Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies inspires its participants to discover their purpose through learning, giving, and growing. Our programs focus on financial wellness, philanthropic engagement, and nonprofit studies, empowering all generations to leave an enduring legacy. We enable individuals to LEARN financial responsibility, philanthropy and nonprofit education through mentoring, outreach, and teaching. We empower individuals to GIVE their time, talent and treasure so they can make a difference in the world. We inspire individuals to GROW as learners, leaders, and givers, enriching their lives while building a stronger society.

Upcoming Events

July 11: The Auburn University College of Human Sciences’ Cary Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies' July virtual program, "Courageous Self Care: Nurture Your Capacity, Your Career, and Your Self-Compassion," will take place via Zoom on Thursday, July 11th from 12:00-1:00 PM CST with Dr. Emilie Socash--Founder and CEO of the Nonprofit Help Center. The one-hour program is FREE and registration is required. Register.